Tim Kingsmill Brown was born in London in 1954. He trained at Watford and Exeter Art Colleges, but soon found himself investigating the techniques of the Old Masters rather than following the path of abstract expressionism and conceptual art practised by many of his contemporaries. In recent work he has actually been revisiting this abstraction, but all along he correctly surmised that abstraction was very easy to execute badly, and extremely difficult to perfect!

Kingsmill Brown’s passion, and the almost lyrical execution of his oeuvre, can clearly be seen in his fantastic landscapes, where he aims to capture something of the genius loci (spirit of place) in paint, rather than the purely topographical. His influences span widely, but clearly start with the master of Romanticism, JMW Turner. Kingsmill-Brown’s focus on the lineage of the early 1800's Romantic school and the sublime; that raw, overwhelming power of nature, is where his work shimmers with life and depth. But what, he contemplates, if the sublime was in a less intimidating mood? He refers back to his art school tutor, Peter Schmidt, who stated “in a room full of shouting people, the one who whispers becomes interesting”. With Kingsmill Brown’s work, that truth is self-evident.

Richard Baker-Howard

Art consultant

Exhibitions in which work was included and solo exhibitions

Baker-Howard Contemporary, Charring Cross Road, London
The Black and White Building, Greek St. Soho, London
The Intercontinental, Jimberan, Bali. solo show
Arta Jaya Gallery, Ubud, Bali. solo show
Wayan Sriani Gallery, Ubud, Bali.
Sari Gallery, Peliatan, Bali. artist in residence
Bali Mystique, Petitengit, Bali.
The Oberoi, Bali. solo show
Hayoka Centre, Swansea. solo show
International Trade Centre, Dubai. solo show
Dassin Gallery, West Hollywood. California.
Racing Museum Dubai.
First View Gallery, Stourhead, Wiltshire.
The Mall Gallerys, London.
The Georgian Group, Fitzroy Square, London.
Addison Ross Gallery, London.
Chepstow Racecourse. solo show
Bath Reference Library. solo show
Victoria Art Gallery, Bath.
Moles Café, Bath.

Commissioned work from clients including

The Bath Spa Hotel, Bath UK.
Grosvenor House, Park Lane, London.
Trust House Forte.
The Westcliff, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Keswick Hall, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA.
Mount Nelson Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa.
Orient Express Hotels.
The Georgian Club, Tokyo, Japan.
Café Mama, Richmond, London.
Coutts Bank, London.

Artist statement.

Having dropped out of art education because traditional techniques were not being taught, I gradually gained the knowledge I wanted by working as a commercial copyist, making paintings for interior design projects and individual collectors. And of course honing my skills by drawing and painting from life.

As a mature artist with that experience behind me I now feel equipped to abandon purely literal representation in my work. I'm interested in the way our visual recollection a of place is often hazy, with the mind inaccurately filling in the details, while an emotional response to a landscape remains clear in our memory.

''I fell in love with a painting on Tim's website and just had to buy it. It hangs in my kitchen, I look at it many times a day and still love it. It is forever summer!''

- Cathy, Somerset.